Project M

Project M

Project M

Is it possible to create the feeling of a song on stage without instruments or singing?
In Project M I worked together with musician Matthijs Bos. Every musical genre knows its own rules. In this project we took this rules and used them as a schedule for theatrical scenes. It’s not a musical, there is no singing, dancing or rapping. It’s theatre but we feel, see and hear some sort of song. See videos below for the results. The performance was shown at ‘Podium voor Onaffe Zaken’ in the Plaza Futura – Eindhoven and at the ‘Makerspodium’ of Theater de NWE Vorst – Tilburg

part1: ballad

part 2: dance

Ben van der Meij
Annigje de Winter
Heleen de Hoon
Michelle van Daalhoff